This week’s Torah portion, VaYishlach, talks about how to prepare for a war.
It is uncanny how every week we are being sent such timely messages.
Jacob is returning home after years away.
But it’s not going to be one big family reunion.
His brother Esau is indeed coming to greet him, but he’s fortified his welcome committee with 400 men.
That’s a message to Jacob that he is still harboring anger over his mistaken understanding over the loss of his birthright.
(Selective memory here, he actually sold it to Jacob)!
Jacob strategizes over the coming encounter.
He engages a three pronged approach.
He first tries diplomacy by sending gifts to Esau.
He taps into Esau’s mindset and provides peace offerings that should speak to Esau’s desire.
Lest that not be successful, Jacob engages in a heartfelt dialogue with Gd, a meaningful prayer. Jacob prays that Gd should save him from Esau
“For I fear lest he come and strike me down, mother and children”.
Jacob knew that if Esau were to fight, he would have no compunction about attacking the women and children.
Sounds like a modern day scenario, how little has changed in the world of barbarism.
And finally, if all else fails, he prepares for war.
Menachem Begin, former Prime Minister of Israel studied these verses carefully before engaging with Anwar Sadat. He followed our Sages dictum that these verses are the protocols required before engaging with the enemy.
Our nation is at war.
Our women and children are under siege.
We are utilizing all the above means at our disposal to ensure victory.
For those of us, in America, far from the front lines, we may wonder if our prayers actually make a difference.
I have to share with you an unbelievable story.
I can vouch for it as I know some of the players personally.
There is a soldier in Israel, he is a 38 year old dentist, Dr. Eitan, a reservist, who was called to duty in Gaza.
Right before they began a dangerous sortie, the soldiers were handed a pile of letters written by children in America.
Dr. Eitan grabbed a letter and read what a little 10 year old girl named Emma Platt had written. She addressed it to “A Soldier” and she told him she was davening (praying) for him and that he was doing a good job for the Jewish people.
Dr. Eitan was deeply moved that a little girl on the other side of the world was praying for him. It gave him renewed resolve to face the danger ahead.
He tucked her letter into his combat vest, along with notes from his own family and the little wrist band from his newly born son. (Another story!)
Then he went into battle.
He was on the third story of a building when it was hit by an RPG.
The building collapsed and he fell three floors.
His survival was a miracle.
He was airlifted to a hospital in Israel.
He was visited by some Americans while in hospital and he told them how he felt the prayers and letter of Emma Platt played a role in his survival.
He asked them if they could help him find Emma Platt.
One of the visitors in the room assured him they would.
The visitor reached out to a young woman in America who has a podcast for kids. Since the war, she has about 3000 children joining her nightly for inspiration and prayer on behalf of our soldiers.
She found Emma.
This all happened live on her podcast.
She emotionally told the kids that each of them is also an Emma, because they are dedicating themselves to pray on behalf of our soldiers, and they should always remember that each prayer makes a difference.
They may not be privy to the final details, but their actions count, as we do vividly see from Emma’s efforts.
Emma and Dr. Eitan were connected via Zoom.
He had the opportunity to thank her for her letter and prayers and how much it meant to him, and she told him again that he was doing a great job.
Dr. Eitan was visibly moved by Emma’s dedication and composure.
Emma promised to visit him on the next family trip to Israel.
She lives in Hollywood Florida.
The power of prayer of a child.
And what of the women in our midst?
Last night Jwcatlanta had the privilege to host an evening entitled U plus 2. The sold out event of over 300, was an opportunity for Jewish women to reach out to their non Jewish friends and invite them to an evening of education about the war.
Five women who have travelled to Israel with Jwcatlanta, curated an evening that succeeded beyond wildest expectations, creating open dialogue and providing information and insight on the history and facts on the situation in Israel.
That is a real sortie on the home front.
And finally there are the stories that come out of Israel every single day.
I shed tears every day, but many are borne of wonder and inspiration from our sisters under siege and how they respond to challenge.
I have mentioned to you Shai Graucher, an angel in human clothing, who has not stopped since the onset of the war. He is on a mission to support the soldiers and their loved ones.
He provides the portable laundry and the mobile baths to our soldiers in the field.
He also visits the wounded in hospital bringing music to lift the souls and providing gifts to cheer those in pain.
This week he was at the bedside of a severely wounded soldier whose wife was at his side.
Shai turned to the wife and said how are you handling this terribly difficult situation?
She answered by saying that until now she has not been very connected spiritually, but the whole situation has changed her. She feels very connected to Gd and wants to build that connection deeper.
In his inimitable fashion, Shai offered her the moon (he’s sort of a Make A Wish Foundation in one human being).
The wounded soldier’s wife demurred, said she needed nothing, she was just grateful to Gd that her husband had survived.
Shai doesn’t take no for an answer and she finally said that she would like candlesticks, she would like to start lighting the Shabbat candles.
Of course he arranged for a beautiful set to be delivered to her, and she lovingly prepares the candles in anticipation of lighting them for the first time. It is no wonder that Jacob was worried that Esau was likely to attack the women and children.
Esau, and our present nemesis, understands that the power of prayer, perseverance and connection is guarded and his disseminated by the hands of the women and children.
They are the secret weapon.
Shabbat Shalom and so much love!