Poland FAQs

What kind of hotels will we be staying in?

Clean, modern four-star hotels.

What flights should I buy? 
Where should I fly into and out of and what time?

The program will start from the Warsaw airport at 8:15am on July 16, 2025. Anybody who arrives earlier should meet at the Warsaw airport for this time.
The program will end from the Warsaw airport in time for flights that depart starting at 4:50pm on July 21, 2025.

Should I buy trip insurance? 

Yes, the tour company requires that you purchase trip insurance.

What is the maximum number of women on this experience? 


Are meals included?

Yes, the trip provides full room and board, wholesome, delicious kosher meals and snacks are included.  We do our best to accommodate food allergies, however, we can not guarantee a completely allergy free environment in Poland.  

What is a shabbat JWCA experience?

Shabbat with JWC Atlanta is always meaningful, uplifting, soul nourishing and connecting.  Shabbat in Poland amplifies all of the above.

Are there gatherings before or after the trip?

Yes, there will be pre and post trip meaningful learning experiences.

Can I talk with someone who has been on this trip previously?

Yes, please reach out to Bonnie Fitch, Tracey Grant, Leslie Lipson, Wendy Klein or Simone Levingston.  Their numbers will be shared by contacting [email protected]

How many women are in a room?

Rooms are double occupancy, single occupancy is available for an additional fee.  JWC Atlanta is a warm and welcoming environment.  You will be sent a roommate questionnaire after you register for the trip.  Please do not worry if you don't have a roommate, we will pair you with one of our incredible JWC Atlanta women.

How do I sign up for this trip? 

A non-refundable $500 deposit is due upon registration to guarantee your seat.  Payments may be made monthly, balance must by received by April 1st.  

How active is the trip? How much walking should I expect?

This is an active trip which requires mobility. Please reach out to us with any concerns.

Who is eligible to go on this trip?

Any Jewish woman from Atlanta.  First timers are welcome!